Author Topic: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.  (Read 7669 times)

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The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« on: November 20, 2012, 11:30:33 AM »
I was having a look through some the 'what's on' websites and noticed 2 car show on this coming Sunday (25 Nov).

One is at Kiama and the other at Goulburn.,5340.0.html

Both of these shows appear to be just the normal 'show and shine' format, ie, just park your car and leave at the end of the day, which is fine.  However, (just my view) I think the cost for these events is a bit steep.  The show at Kiama is $35 to enter and $30 at Goulburn.

The show at Goulburn is supporting a charity (always a good thing), but as far as I can tell, the show at Kiama is just being hosted by a car club (please correct me if I'm wrong).

Am I just being a tight a**e (I already know the answer to that), or do others agree/disagree?  Any opinions?


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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2012, 07:42:39 PM »
No Mate. I'll Back you on this one. I think its important to understand the full story of where the $$$$$$$$ flow. Of course we need to know that the effort we make is going to benefit the charity for whom the event is posted. Skimming and theft from takings should be treated as such. Miss Appropriation should be exposed and dealt with by Mr Bustheirheadsin.
It is expensive for us to maintain our cars and fuel them for the events, but we don't mind because we enjoy the rewards of displaying our treasures and raising money to help organizations that help those less fortunate than ourselves. and its not that we mind doing this for charity fund raisers but add to this the entry fee and I know some people just cant afford the day. Sad really because then both sides miss out. I guess it will sort itself out in the wash.
While I'm on my soap box ........... As the club moves into promotional type events for business, where the club benefits, perhaps an incentive of a fuel voucher for each car that turns up could be part of the deal? This would enable the generous to pass on the voucher to raffles or other fund raiser benefits and the strugglers could put gas in the tank to help pay for the day.
Just putting it out there.


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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2012, 08:19:06 PM »
I can tell you if i was in NSW i would not be attending either of these based on cost
I looked at the raffle tickets on one of them as well $10 each or 3 for $25 ...
and the public get in on a gold coin donation  :bolt:


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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2012, 12:01:20 AM »
Probably wouldn't do either one....but if I was, it'd be the charity event.
Sometimes the venue costs are driving prices...I know the Tug in the Park run has become more expensive due to council charges......
1969 Pontiac Firebird 400


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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2012, 08:47:56 PM »
Im with you chris ,I dont mind giving to charity but thats a bit up there :bats:

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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2012, 11:28:43 PM »
 'Gold coin donation' for classic cars and the Public pay $10 per adult! + ($20 per child.)  :burnout:
Then they can look at our much loved cars and benefit the charities AMCCA support. :way:

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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2012, 07:03:46 AM »
I think if you pay $10 or $20 it's ok if it goes to a charity and/or if there's some type of trophies available when you go to a large show.

I've paid monies to go to shows, get some type of show bag that just gets thrown out and there's nothing positive for me for the day.

Sure we get to meet new people and show our car off, but the cost of waxes and polishes mixed with the hours spent and the bad back at the end of the day just doesn't seem worth it.  Not to mention the fuel cost.

Especially when the show is based around our cars and we pay more than the people actually attending the show to see our cars.

Doesn't seem right.  You don't see a concert where the organisers ask the singers to pay to attend.


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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2012, 10:08:16 AM »
The other thing the organisers don't seem to realise is (especially in the case of the Goulburn show), is these shows are held in suburban parks, where parking close by in the street for FREE is easy to do.  I'm sure if I went to Goulburn, I could park my car within 100 metres of the display.  Plenty of people would still see it (if I actually had a nice car worth seeing).

I just had a look at the cost of entry for the All American Day at Castle Hill in January - $10.  I think I'll go to that one.

BTW, next weekend, I'm going to attend this event.

This is a 3 day event.  I went last year and had a great time.  The cost of entry for this, including a sit down meal for my g/f and me at this place,   

just $100.

Don't get me started on the cost of the Pontiac Nationals next easter... :thud:


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Re: The cost of car shows. I'm interested in some opinions.
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2012, 03:32:28 PM »
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:

Car shows should not charge entrants a single cent for showing their cars. 

If they want to make money, they should charge the public an entry fee.

We spend a lot of money on our cars.  Without our cars entering there would be no car shows.  We should not have to pay for the privillege, doesn't matter if its for charity or not.


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