Author Topic: New Road Rules - New South Wales  (Read 8254 times)

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New Road Rules - New South Wales
« on: November 12, 2012, 12:03:49 PM »
From 1 November 2012, a number of changes are being introduced to the NSW road rules. Many.. of these changes are simply to clarify existing road rules and make them easier to understand...

The changes will affect all road users, so it is important that you read and familiarise yourself..
with this information...

This information does not cover all the changes. More information can be found at..

Use of mobile phones..
While a vehicle is moving or stationary (but not parked), a driver may only use a mobile phone..
to make or receive a call or use the audio playing function:..
If the mobile phone is secured in a fixed mounting; or..
If not in a mounting, use of the mobile phone must not require a driver to touch or..
manipulate the phone in any way...

All other functions including texting, video messaging, online chatting, reading preview..
messages and emailing are prohibited...
The new laws make it clear that a driver in a moving or stationary vehicle (unless parked) MUST..
NOT HOLD a phone in his or her hand other than to pass the phone to a passenger...
Penalty: 3 demerit points (4 in a school zone) and $298 ($397 in a school zone)..
NOTE: Learner and Provisional P1 drivers are not allowed to use ANY function of a phone..
(including hands-free) while driving.

Police and emergency services vehicles..
Police and emergency service drivers may continue to use mobile data terminals in the course of..
their work to receive job allocations, licensing, registration and other important information...

Visual display units in motor vehicles..
A visual display unit (including a mobile phone), which is being used as a driver’s aid function,..
such as a GPS, may only be used in a motor vehicle if it is secured in a fixed mounting. This..
mounting must be commercially designed and manufactured for this purpose. It must be..
positioned in the vehicle to not distract or obscure the driver’s view...
Penalty: 3 demerit points (4 in a school zone) and $298 ($397 in a school zone)2..

Pedestrian at level crossings (New offences)..
Red pedestrian light..

If a pedestrian approaches a railway crossing showing a red pedestrian light, they must not..
start to cross.

Penalty: $66..
If a red pedestrian light appears only after the pedestrian has started crossing, they must..
finish crossing without delay...

Penalty: $66..
Pedestrian at level crossing..

Flashing warning lights or ringing warning bells..
If warning lights commence flashing or warning bells begin ringing and a pedestrian has..
already started crossing..the railway line or tram track, they must finish crossing without delay...
Penalty: $66..
Pedestrians or cyclists crossing roads at lights..
If traffic lights change to yellow or red while a pedestrian or cyclist is crossing the road at the..
lights, they may continue to the far side of the road (as intended)...
Penalty: $663..

Giving way to pedestrians when turning at an intersection..

When turning into a road at an intersection, a driver must give way to any pedestrian who may..
be crossing the particular road the driver is entering.
Penalty: 3 demerit points (4 in a school zone) and $298 ($397 in a school zone)

Entering blocked crossings..

Drivers approaching an intersection without traffic lights can stop on a pedestrian crossing..
immediately before the intersection if the crossing is not blocked, but only after giving way to..
pedestrians using the crossing. This is to allow drivers to check for traffic at an intersection...
Penalty: 2 demerit points (3 in a school zone) and $232 ($298 in a school zone)4..

Signalling at a roundabout..

Drivers entering a roundabout and intending to turn either left or right, must give sufficient..
warning to other road users by signalling before entering the roundabout.
Previously a driver had to indicate only when entering the roundabout...
When exiting a roundabout, whether turning left, right or even straight ahead, drivers must..
always indicate a left turn just before exiting, unless it is not practical to do so...
Penalty: 2 demerit points and $165..
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Re: New Road Rules - New South Wales
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2012, 07:28:19 PM »
Boring ........... yeah yeah ........................ and soon we wont even be able to drive drunk??? ................... or naked.


  • Speedster
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Re: New Road Rules - New South Wales
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2012, 10:37:01 PM »
Boring ........... yeah yeah ........................ and soon we wont even be able to drive drunk??? ................... or naked.
its an amazing nanny country we live in ...........driving naked is a right not a privilege !!!!!


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