:4: Owen for the coffee, tea and hot dogs.....the tents were very useful and much appreciated.......thanks to Ross for letting Mark and Barbralea use the Ranchero.........very handy for transporting one of the tents/shade covers.
I'd love some feedback on what people thought of where we were parked........though I think we all agree that the time of our lap parade was pretty good and two full laps.....

Here is the direct link for the album:
http://s1134.photobucket.com/albums/m611/Camaro745/AMCCA%202012%2008%2019%20CMC%20Day/I left a lot in so people could take the ones that featured their cars

this one has almost every Club Car visible that was there on the day

if you look real close you can see the 'L' plate......well done Kara

quite a sight

thankyou to everyone who could make it on the day, the Committee hopes you all enjoyed yourselves and don't forget the feedback re our parking location so we know where to opt for next year
and welcome to the new members who attended CMC for the first time....glad to have you onboard