Author Topic: just rambling on about stuff...tunnels and old cars..  (Read 6337 times)

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just rambling on about stuff...tunnels and old cars..
« on: June 11, 2012, 11:16:34 PM »
If your fond of leafy fields of old cars.. US, Pom and others.. wrecking yards..  this will fill a couple of minutes of your life happily...

..  unrelated but more interesting...... I think anyway.. is the multitude of Sydney tunnels....  As a kid.. I'd wondered the drains around Punchbowl/Bankstown/Roselands..  it was sorta a freeway for a few mates and I back then,..... years later...While working at Silverwater in the later 80's as a matter of security requirement I was more then aware of certain tunnels under and around the 100 year old location of the then  Jail, leading from the Ammo dump next door.. which also has a very major tunnel built extending to Sydney for the covert resupply of WW2 naval requirements.. big enough to drive  a tractor -trailer in.    

The rest here are somewhat common access..
      North Head.. used  right up to the Vietnam war for training our now specialized Vets in recreating the  conditions expected if captured by the North Vietcong.  Malabar has the southside bunkers featured here.. if you go into La Perouse .. chuck a left into the NSW Golf Club and drive thru it to the gun range.. then go for a  walk.. you'll find a great view of Botany Bay & the fort where Mission Impossible 2 was filmed...  AND the old bunkers featured in this clip are accessible to a degree...

   Being born in Riverwood.. which was the new name for a socially trashed area known as Hernbay.. the former WW2 US Field hospital site..  for some years after the Allied forces used it for much the same -  then community housing... Not a great area as think back...   as a kid I played in the remains of many of the abandonned huts.. and concrete buildings..  Today its the home of thousands .. a housing commission city.. with the freeway running though it... but.. Interestingly a legacy for those that know.. is that the street names are all related to the USA.. a silent reminder of the past..... like Kentucky Road, Colorado Ave, Michigan Bld,  etc etc.. all around then.       Our fibro family home built on the edge of the base..... built around 1944/45 had a concrete bunker in the yard.. as did more then a few..  My father eventually filled it in and built an incinerator on its entry.. back then everybody had one.... carbon  was fine ....  as were HUGE fireworks bonfires come Cracker Night .. community ones down next to the tip... 3 or 4 or 5 massive ones.. probably what a sugar cane harvest looks like today at night...  Great times.. .. .  we collected stuff & built stuff....just to blow it up.... but I digress....!

      Another MASSIVE drain  / tunnel.. goes under the northern side of Sydney airport and winds off into .. in the end.. Bondi...
       Down in Wollongong.. "Hill 60" is being surrounded by homes now.. probably soon sold off and gone.. but an interesting few minutes..  


     If you want to take the wife / whoever out for a day.. try going over to  Sydney's North Head Quarentine station.. drive THRU manly and up southeast till you find it..  good place for lunch even on your own as I have a few times.. nobody to bug you .. with a BILLION DOLLAR view... Do the ghost tour.. and take some  spare undies..  Qstation


  • Speedster
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just rambling on about stuff...tunnels and old cars..
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2012, 11:40:16 PM »
there are an amazing amount of tunnels around ,I walked so many of them when i was younger ..............i had friends at Malabar and walked a few of those over the years ,I had forgotten that ,thanks for posting them up Dave !


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