Members attending the V8 Supercars Thursday 29th Nov to Sunday 2nd Dec please see meeting place and terms and conditions below.
We will be meeting at
9.30am on Thursday morning at Bicentenary Park, Australia Drive Homebush Bay (at the Cafe in the park) for a 9.45 departure to the Dome. Off Homebush Bay Drive just past the M4 overpass you veer off to the left onto Australia Drive (DFO factory on right side)
at the big round about you turn left which is still Australia Drive, at the first set of lights you turn right into the park entrance and follow around to the cafe (Lilies on the Park)
If your car is fitted with a alarm you must also disconnect it once set up.
Please ensure you bring a
DRIP TRAY with you!
Below is the meeting place 
Terms and Conditions of Entry
Further info from the PromotersTo keep updated please go to
OR facebook follow this link. IMPORTANT.Passes can not be accepted without your vehicle being present.
Insurance of your vehicle & equipment is your responsibility.
RACELINE EVENTS provide cover for public liability.
ALL car alarm systems MUST be switched OFF OR DISCONNECTED.
ALL indoor exhibits MUST HAVE A DRIP TRAY.