Tech Talk & Articles > GM Cars

How to remove Door pullstrap end caps on 1977 Transam

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1977 Transam:

Thanks Joe.

1977 Transam:

She was a bit tight but with a bit of gentle persuasion it came out.

Console is out now.  Has a couple of broken plastic sections behind the vinyl.

Also map tray below the radio was duct taped, cable tied (with glue) and had a piece of timber inserted to keep it rigid.

Someone had previously broken the plastic bracket behind the map tray and did a home made job to fix it.

Does anyone know if this plastic cage is replaceable with a new part?



Tommy if you have a pic I can have a look? I have a few consoles lying around

1977 Transam:
Sounds good.  Thanks Joe.

I'll tee up a pic.  Might take me a day or so to find the cord for the camera.  he he.

I wish everything was wireless these days.



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