Author Topic: Governent revokes 30 year & older tax concessions  (Read 5631 times)

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  • Rally Licence
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Governent revokes 30 year & older tax concessions
« on: April 28, 2012, 09:31:12 PM »
Edited and censored.  This needs to be aired.. not removed.

On April 18, 2012 the Federal Government gazetted # C12-16.. .. revoking the tariff concessions on vehicle parts 30 years and older or for cars 30 years and older.. and replacing it with a range of PRE-GST.. 5-15% .. Tarriffs.. or what amounts to rekindling the Sales Tax of pre-Howard times.. when it was %10-22% depending on what you brought.

So.. for instance.. in our business alone.. our weekly tax bill will rise about.. $750-$2000 per week JUST on the tariff.. plus then .. the GST compounds that by its value 10%..
Surely.. this is NOT  worth tuning  off the car restoring industry & all the owners / voting population .. for what..??

So .. how does that effect private deliveries in from overseas of car parts....?? it may not.. it just may make Australian suppliers.. employers.. stock holders.. that much dearer again.. on the other hand.. they (Customs) may start invoking tax and duty collections as they used to do.. and WILL kick the private importer a lot more then they currently are.. ... especially as GST is compounded by Part Price+freight+Duty=$X + 10% gst..

Watch this space for the review of tax on imports of 30 year and older duty free cars... not that long ago it was 15-30%...+ sales tax (gst)

Strange how  they are bring out the tax nasties NOW .. so on Budget the Libs did too.. standard practice.... all the crap is mostly gone.. and you will be told right up to Budget Night.. how its going to be a tough one.. . then you will breath again.. thinking they arn't that bad... .. For the majority .. of working class voters.. that's how it will go down...!


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Governent revokes 30 year & older tax concessions
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2012, 01:46:36 PM »
Whilst ever you foster a welfare mentality where everyone expects a hand out, the great unwashed will continue to vote for the party that gives them what they want. This country is being run by a gang of communists masquerading as small L Laborites. There is one way to fix them if you're in business - stop paying them the taxes they so desperately need to p... up the wall. It brought down the Whitlam government and let's face it, they can't throw all business owners in jail before they run out of money. Just my 2 cents. Eddie  


  • L Plater
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Governent revokes 30 year & older tax concessions
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2012, 10:19:13 AM »
Not sure if this is on exactly point, but applications can be made to remove tariffs on goods and they are usually granted if no equivalent is made in Australia.

For example, in the 1990s after the last Austrlaian manufacturer of vacuum cleaners stopped making them here, the retail chain Godfreys applied and got the tarrif removed on all imports of vacuum cleaners.

Maybe the same can be done on muscle car parts?


  • Rally Licence
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Governent revokes 30 year & older tax concessions
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2012, 11:29:11 PM »
78mg..... ..your point is correct... that seems to be a thing at least  others & I can do ....too who are interested in applying for Tarriff Concessions.. which will.. if approved.. be then given to EVERYBODY who is presenting an import item eligible using a current TC..
   I made contact with the TC people today.. and ..  politely.. received a  reply that is excellent for a public servant.. professional and helpful. Refreshing.. so I'll put in a few applications for TC's and if they are approved for sensible items.. like weather seals, pressed metal panels and some other stuff.. I'll trying and get involved a bit more. In the end it will help a lot of people for a long time.
Here is some of the reply received today.

The Tariff Concession Orders (TCOs) were listed for revocation as all of them are legally invalid.   As you can see, all of the TCOs are identical in wording and cover a number of different items. However, each of the 6 TCOs are keyed to different Tariff Classifications. For example, TCO 0614555 is keyed to Tariff Classification 8708.92.52 which ONLY covers the following goods: 8708 PARTS AND ACCESSORIES OF THE MOTOR VEHICLES OF 8701 TO 8705:8708.92 - - Silencers (mufflers) and exhaust pipes; parts thereof:8708.92.52  .. - - - -Other, of a kind used as components in passenger motor vehicles So, despite all the parts listed in TC 0614555, only item (bb) exhaust mounting brackets, plates, ribs and pipe straps may be eligible for concessional entry as only these goods appear to meet BOTH the Tariff Classification and the wording.  

Any other goods that have used this TCO for goods other than mufflers and parts thereof have been incorrectly entered (and technically owe duty).  Unfortunately, the Illustrative and Descriptive Material for those few goods that are described in the wording AND fall to the correct Tariff Classification is inadequate (or non-existent) to form a view as to the correct Tariff Classification.

 Therefore, the only course of action is to notify an intention to revoke all TCOs in their entirety.  This inconsistency arose as a result of a 'Tariff Harmonisation' exercise in 2007 which occurs every five years to align Australian Tariff Classifications with internationally used Tariff Classifications.  The anomaly  was noticed during the current (2012) Tariff Harmonisation exercise.

The purpose of the 'intention to revoke' rather than revoking outright is to allow importers, such as yourself, to apply for new TCOs to cover goods that you intend to import in the future. As soon as Tariff Concessions receives an application that will be the operative date of the TCO, if it were to be made.

 For TCOs that may be revoked as a result of the intention to revoke notice, a 28-day in transit provision exists, effective from 16 April 2012.


  • L Plater
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  • Posts: 8
Governent revokes 30 year & older tax concessions
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 02:39:31 PM »
Yep, I remember it causing me some brain damage last time I looked at the area.  Impossibly complicated...

Thanks for trying, hope you get some results.  It will be helpful to a lot of people in the end.


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