Author Topic: Dumb things people say on craigslist  (Read 5431 times)

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
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Dumb things people say on craigslist
« on: April 26, 2012, 12:34:40 PM »
Found this list on a T/A forum the list are Quotes that were just copied and pasted sum funny stuff here.

191. This is a former clown truck.

192. It is nuclear goat vomit green, has an Ah-OOO-gah horn, a "cow moo" horn and a standard car horn.

193. It ran great yesterday.

194. The transmission is at a shop in south austin, we still owe 145$ on it. But is completly rebuilt.

195. The engine is actually inside the van, or at least it was.

196. If you have a Viper, and i know not everyone does, this is a bargain for a original factory rim

197. car is crazy fast!!!,,,,no motor no trans

198. Its never been wrecked but did have a tree fall on it.

199. took pictures, but misplaced camera

200. New paint job, new tires, good work truck. Does not turn over or start.


202. FREE Math Tutor $15/$20 hour

203. I do not know to much about it. So please don't call asking for the history.

204. 30,000 miles or best offer

203. It does not have air conditioning or power steering and it's more fun this way!

204. I now live in Oklahoma. The frame is up here with me but the body and engine and everything else is in Austin.

205. Its a great investment, im just not driving for a while due to legal issues.

206. the trans went out we took it to a shop and never got it back

207.Important things work (no horn and wipers don't work).

208. put on jack stands 3 years ago to do brake job and never did it.

209. The engine and trans was from my demo derby car so i know it was strong running engin/trans,before the block cracked.

210. $800.   Bike was originally purchased for $6100.00 was riden very little, as everyone who got on it got hurt.


  • Top Fuel Pilot
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  • Posts: 1563
Dumb things people say on craigslist
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2012, 01:15:58 PM »
Here is another priceless add.
Lot of work for a $700 car.


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