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SMS Performance announcement
« on: March 08, 2012, 11:40:32 AM »
Hello fellow members....yes, I am still around....still fixing Mustangs and some real cars in between.
You may or may not be aware but our enemy (the RTA now RMS) quietly introduced the new legislations effecting modified and imported vehicles just before christmas last year. They call it the Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme (VSCCS). It replaces the old engineers certificates previously issued by a group of very professional and highly experienced individuals dedicating their expert knowledge guiding our community of revheads making sure their chariots not going to be leathal weapons on our streets. Some of these individuals actually helped the former RTA to draw guidelines of Australian Design Rules.
To participate in the new VSCCS you no longer have to hold a degree of Mechanical Engineering. In fact any donkey mechanic with a ticket and spare 500 bucks can apply for an accreditation through RMS, complete a course and ready to sign out highly modified vehicles. Sounds scary does not it?
So....I thought.....if some of these dudes can do can I.
Good news is I have already paid, just waiting for the next available course and hopefully within the next 2 months will be up and running.
Not only I will be able to certify mdified vehicles but I will be able to sign out american imports too.
The current rate for a VSCCS certificate is a whopping $800+ which I can not justify so I will be offering a lot better deal than that.
I have looked into the rules and regarding imports it really only affects vehicles built after July 1972. Anything before that still only a simple blue slip. After that date will require a VSCCS certificate which is basically to comply with Australian Design Rules applicable the year of the vehicle. Still reasonable simple until July 1976 when emission rules came into force which makes it a little bit harder.
I am doing everything I can to keep you guys informed and help you get your imports on the road smoothly with minimum fuss.
Will let you know when I am fully up and running with the new scheme, in the meantime I am still available for blue slips and pink slips.

Cheers, Chris.

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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SMS Performance announcement
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2012, 12:13:26 PM »
Great news Chris. Will come & see you when you get up & going with it

1977 Transam

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SMS Performance announcement
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2012, 06:43:58 PM »
Same here.  I have more confidence in you than many other mechanics out there when it comes to registering American imports.  Looking forward to getting our next car now. Thanks for the update chris.


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SMS Performance announcement
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2012, 07:43:04 PM »
Well done Chris


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Re: SMS Performance announcement
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2012, 04:24:23 PM »
Chris, how's this new VSCCS thing going? Have you become a certifier yet?

Any knew info regarding the scheme you can add? Seems to be a lot of confusion on the interwebs regarding what's needed for our US imports.
~ Russ


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Re: SMS Performance announcement
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2012, 08:11:50 PM »
I contacted the RMS (RTA) Technical Phone Line reference what I needed for rego of my car (May 71 build date).
Was told any vehicle built prior to August 72 does not need certification of compliance to applicable ADRs.
Requires Import approval, weigh bridge certificate, Blue Slip. I would also add that they probably want to sight the receipt on the vehicle and/or engine.
1969 Pontiac Firebird 400


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