Author Topic: Changes to your Forum  (Read 13643 times)

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Changes to your Forum
« on: October 20, 2011, 04:26:18 PM »
As you are no doubt aware our forum has experienced a few difficulties of late and as a result the post count has hit an all time low. This matter has received the full attention of your committee and the decision made, based on the many discussions and the feedback we received from club members, was to accept a proposal put forward by myself.

The committee has granted full control of the forum to a moderation team.  The team will consist of a web master/super administrator and two super moderators.  The mod team will perform all the necessary duties that keep your forum running on a day to day bases.These duties include updating the calendar, ticker, photo gallery, members rides, sponsor info, etc. As well as the above mentioned duties there are some that are not so pleasant but necessary to ensure the forum is a fun and informative place for the members and guests of the AMCCA to hang. These include policing forum rules, editing/deleting inappropriate content,enforcing forum etiquette,etc.
It is very important that you the members respect the fact that the mod team is a dedicated group of club members that put a lot of there time and hard work to make this your home site.

 The mods have the final say in all matters that may cause conflict or disharmony on the site if a situation arises and a mod is forced to step in and take action there will be no further discussion on the open forum the post or thread will be removed and if you feel you have been hard done by your next step will be to bring the issue to the following club meeting where it will be discussed in the webmasters report both sides will be heard and the members will decide whether the deletion stands or the post be reinstated. I feel that this a fair way to deal with any issues rather than air your dirty laundry in public, please keep in mind that the forum is a window for the world to view our club.

Joe Johnson
AMCCA President
Forum Administrator
& Webmaster
Date: 20/10/11


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