This was our first Christmas Party with the Club and we'd like to thank the set up crew as everything was done by the time we arrived.........the weather was perfect, the company was excellant (with water pistols making a late appearance on the day with an enthusiastic battle between Stuart, Barbralea, Joe and the other kids).
We got to meet so many new people (to us) like Ray and Nerida and their two boys from Nowra (my old stomping grounds) and David and Carissa and their crew, fortunately John was on the 'nice' list and Wolf, Skye, Marnie and Andrew all made that list also so Santa was kept busy handing out the spoils.
I apologise for blocking Ginny in the group photo with my hat and to anyone that I've missed in acknowledging their efforts to make the day run smoothly.
Link to album

Merry Christmas Everyone!