Wow....what a great day!
Happy......hell yeah!
Thankyou Maureen for ALL the organising that was done in the lead up to this day and on the actual job!
Thankyou Owen for the food, coffee,music....chairs in the shade and ice for the drinks 10/10
Gotta say we were really happy for the opportunity to tour the track on the CMC Day but to get the chance to do it twice in
two weeks and this time on the full track....just great! What an awesome Club!
Now down to the business of photos......our daughter Emma took the ones going around the hat's off to her for
getting any usable shots from the back seat through the Targa roof with a two second delay on the camera
Yes she had her seat belt on and we got approval from the officials prior to going onto the all good.
If anyone wants any high res of these just phone me on 04211 26003 Gene and 'danscamaro'- I've got your disc from Sunday
if your going to Heathcote I'll bring it with me.
Thanks again:fantastic: meet up

where the Featured Marquee was located beside the main straight next to the grandstand

the view from the hill

heading out for the lap

the lap

the buzz when we got back from our lap