just had this emailed to me it is great to see new members enjoying our club.
Hi Garry,
Linda & I are enjoying the car criuses with the AMCCA so much. We feel very welcome and we are makeing new friends all the time when we go on a cruise .Today we had car trouble got the car fixed thought we would join the cruise on Northern Road at the pioneer Taven.While waiting for the AMCCA cars to come a black PONTAIC TA pulls behind us so we meet new friends who were going on the cruise, after talking for a while we thought that we missed the AMCCA cruise so we cruised together up to Kurragong Hotel.We couldn't ask for a more perfect day the veiw was wonderful & the food was good at the Kurragong Hotel.Then we cruised to the COFFEE CLUB at Penrith for afternoon tea to finish the cruise .A BIG THANKS TO THE AMCCA for paying the bill at the COFFEE CLUB.
Regards LINDA&Jeff Bradford.