Author Topic: Filter  (Read 7170 times)

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« on: June 09, 2011, 02:55:47 PM »
Soo... I had issue with my fuel sender not sendin, hehe
Talked to tha guy I brought tha car off an he said it hadnt worked for years.
Since I had replaced tha guages and fully re-wired tha car myself I knew tha issue had to be within tha sender unit.
Dropped tha tank and pulled out tha old..... suprise suprise, nothing standard will fit in its place, so I decided to try to use a new model sender unit within tha old one.

Although it works fine my question is about tha little filter bag that used to be on tha end of tha old unit... does it matter its now no longer in place if I have an inline filter at tha engine end?



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« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2011, 07:50:15 PM »
Hi Hatch,
You can ditch the filter at the end of your sender, they only good to keep cockroaches out anyway.
Make sure you have a good quality filter before the fuel pump and it will not hurt to have another one between the pump and carby.
Ryco Z14 for straight in and out or Z96 for 90 degrees in and out.
Cheers, Chris.

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Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2011, 06:03:00 PM »
Make sure you have cleaned out the sludge build up from inside your tanl..  all you need is one loose 5-6 mm bit of old tar/fuel goo to come loose .. and your line is blocked. Happened to me on a car years back.. every time went out.. thought it was fuel evaporation to start with, then fitted more inline filter's etc  major pita... While your tank is out.. 100% clean it -, especially if your not using a FTSU filter, which is most likely a 5/16th push on pipe.


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