It has been a while since I have entertained you with my aviation or workshop experiences so I thought I share this with you.
It happened only a few days ago at my shop which was not funny at the time but I have cooled my temper since so here it goes.
Some of you are familiar with my workshop which is below road level so it has a driveway at down slope which is not a problem to drive in. When it comes to reverse out however can be challenging to some. Especially if you are ASIAN.

Don't think I am racist....I hate everyone equally

(just kidding).
Anyways....Chinese customer pulls in in a beaten up 90's model Magna (you know the one that sent Mitsubishi Aust. broke) begging to please change his top engine mount which he already tried to do himself but stripped the bolts trying to get undone. He had a second hand mount he sourced from the local wrecking yard ready to go. First thing I tried to explane to him that take a look around the workshop and see all the quality Mustangs and Chevs and the Mighty Mopars we work on so what makes him think that we touch his car. His reply was...Mitsubishi used to be Chrysler in Australia. I was stunned and convinced that this guy was Kung Fu Tse since he looked like him and wise like him.
I retracted and promptly replaced his supplied second hand engine mount in about ten minutes and told him to get on his way with no charge.(his wife or girlfriend was stunning, I had to impress). He proceeded to reverse out of my inclined driveway without looking and turning his steering fully locked from left to right (nothing in between for asian drivers) and before I could scream he ran straight in to.... MY MUSTANG.... parked near the entrance.
I feared the worst but upon inspection it was only a scratch but ripped his front plastic bumper off, so I told him to p#ss off and never come back. He insisted to give me his insurance details and put in a claim but I told him that I don't have time for that crap....just p#ss off.
One hour later he returned with 2 kilos of barbequed duck, 1 kilo of barbequed pork and 12 chinese mince filled bread rolls and bags of fruits enough to feed an army for two weeks.
How can you not like them?.....