Author Topic: Heater Core Replacement in 1977 Trans Am  (Read 8476 times)

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1977 Transam

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Heater Core Replacement in 1977 Trans Am
« on: April 08, 2011, 07:16:15 AM »
Hi Guys.

I have the job of replacing the heater core in my 1977 Transam before the Albury trip.  Has anyone had to do this before thanks?

Any instructions or links to videos would be great.

Also I'm thinking while I'm doing this there might be other parts I should be replacing that would of aged as well.  I figured a new pipe heater outlet wouldn't hurt.

Your help would be appreciated.  Thankyou.


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Heater Core Replacement in 1977 Trans Am
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2011, 09:58:45 AM »
I've done it, but it's an easier job in a full size car than a Firebird.  

If you're going to do the job yourself, the best piece of advice I could give would be to get a factory service manual.  You can buy them new (reproduction) or try to get a used one on ebay.

They spell out how to do this job in fairly simple terms.

Be thankful that your car is LHD, because if it was converted, all bets are off and the job could be a far more gigantic headache.    

Be prepared to spend the whole weekend doing it.

1977 Transam

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Heater Core Replacement in 1977 Trans Am
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2011, 12:57:13 PM »
My auto electrician seemed to know a bit about the heater cores.  He tested it and found out it does leak.

It may be better getting him to do it as there's a good chance of me stuffing it up.  It doesn't sound like an easy job.

My back is shot as it is at the moment.

I'll get the heater coil and a new stainless steel outlet and see how he goes with it.

He's gonna put a tap on the inlet hose so I can switch the flow off in summer so the cabin doesn't heat up.  I can simply turn it back on in winter.

They reckon they do it all the time for trucks.


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Heater Core Replacement in 1977 Trans Am
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2011, 01:08:10 PM »
I put a heater tap on my '79 Trans Am and it still gets bloody hot in summer so now I just disconnect it altogether in the summer months.

1977 Transam

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Heater Core Replacement in 1977 Trans Am
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2011, 06:26:17 PM »
Sounds like the overheating is a common problem.


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