I know you are having a very wet summer this year and I hope you don't mind if I show you what we have here in the U.S.A.
This is my driveway........today

That's two soda cans in the picture. It's -11 C today and 61cm of the white stuff (snow). In the U.S. we have to drive on this stuff and it can be fun or dangerous depending on the day. Most here have 4 wheel drive vehicles to get through this type of weather.
We have a rodent (a Groundhog called Punxsutawney Phil) that they say if he see's his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. However, this year he didn't see his shadow so there will be an early spring. Read about it here.....
http://www.punxsutawney.com/ His accuracy rate is only 39%...LOL But it's a tradition.
I am just wondering how many of you out there have actually seen snow, had snowball fights, or even made a few snowman? Kind of fun to get to know people and keep in mind I am a newbee here so please don't throw any yellow snow at me.