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Video: The definition of catastrophic failure


As tenants of the information superhighway's underpass, we feast on a daily ration of bizarre automotive videos. That diet has put us in contact with some of the most heinous clips of mechanical destruction ever seen by human eyes. But today, we bring you something that completely redefines the notion of catastrophic failure.

The guys at Bang Shift managed to unearth a clip of tractor pull featuring one incredibly powerful machine by the name of Never Satisfied. Power supposedly came from an International DT466 diesel engine modified to suck down alcohol and force-fed over 200 pounds (!) of boost from four superchargers.

Now, we wouldn't dare call ourselves mechanical experts, but judging from the considerable carnage in the video, those levels of pressure may have been just a taaad too much. After the nose of the tractor erupts into an impressive ball of flame, the entire top half of the engine is launched into sub-orbit. It eventually returns from atmosphere and plunks down into the dirt next to the driver. If you look close, you can still the coffee-can sized pistons laid over on the frame.

What do you reckon gang.... pinging? :lol:




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