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I have failed!....confession time.

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Dear Lord....(El Presidente)
Please forgive me for not providing the service that i have promised to all our club members and all pilgrims that have been worshipping SMS Performance in the past.
One of the well known pilgrims of our community visited me today in my place of reincarnation about his well known chariot, a Mustang (what else) informing me that he had to get an outside of our circle of worship mechanic to fix my stuff up. Due to our anonimous forum i can not mention names or make and model, rego number or VIN, not even reveal my own identity but i am sure you can find out on Wikileaks if you really want to.
It was a simple mistake i have made due to Christmas pressure, forsight of the Queensland flooding, economic pressure, trying to fine tune Santa's new sled....anyways, no excuse.....

I am hereby calling upon our community to please express your concern or unhappiness if any misconduct or unfairness occured during your visit at my place of reincarnation so i can consult with yourself or Dear Lord so i do not have to go to Hell because of a MUSTANG!

God bless

Us Mustang owners are keenly aware that we are significantly contributing to your retirement plans and that the simplicity of our cars can from time to time cause people to lower their stress levels when working on these cars.  Hence, it is easily possible to be lulled into an extreme sense of light euphoria having worked on other American cars, and make a small lapse in concentration whilst thinking about your growing superannuation.

This is a well known phenominen to poeple who mix their efforts between really painful cars to work on, on Mustangs.

Chris, CHRiss, CHRIS!

Do not be so hard on yourself:banghead::banghead: we are after all only human and everyone is entitled to a mistake once in their life !  I too have sinned, once (in hindsight I think it was more and interpretation  issue) never the less, thou have shown to me and the forum on numerous occasions that your faith to servicing those who drive the old school and techo advise is second to none! Thou are forgiven:fingers::fingers::fingers: in my books....

I was about to cast a stone onto myself but Jethro came to my rescue.... Halleluyah brother... you have saved my soul....I owe you an oil filter...:rol:  

Even scientists get puzzled by simplicity. After working on highly advanced and sophisticated machines like GM and not to mention Mopars....than i get a Ford in my workshop makes me reach for the Massey-Ferguson catalog just to find out the firing order on a supposedly simple V8.....because Fords had three different ones on the same engine depending on cam specs.....LOL.
I love'm but.....I am a simple scientist...:rol: :rol::rol:

All sinners are forgiven - but in your case it could take a little longer for lacking concentration working on the Pony. I will still stay faithful to your Parish and will listen intently when you next preach to me about the virtues of driving a Mustang.  :bats::bats:


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