this was in todays Liverpool paper.
Cruzin for a cure
■ WHAT: Cruzin for a Cure
■ WHEN: This Sunday from
10am to 3pm
■ WHERE: Crossroads Hotel
■ HOW MUCH: Entry is $10
per car
REVHEADS and car lovers
will cruise into Liverpool for
a charity event at the Crossroads
Hotel this weekend.
The American Muscle Car
Club of Australia will host
Cruzin for a Cure this
Sunday to raise funds for
medical equipment for
Westmead Hospital.
The Peter Moore Foundation
has held the
fundraiser at Camden Airport
in recent years, but this
year enlisted the club’s help
to bolster numbers for a
good cause.
Club president Garry
McLaughlin said he expected
more than 200 cars to
be on show.
‘‘It’s the first time we’ve
held it at the Crossroads,’’
he said. ‘‘We’re hoping to
raise enough money to buy
an X-ray machine for
Westmead Hospital’s brain
tumour unit.’’ The club has
set a goal to raise about
$40,000 for the hospital.
American muscle cars,
vintage hot rods and motorcycles
are all welcome on
the day, Mr McLaughlin
There will also be market
and food stalls, children’s
entertainment and music.
It runs from 10am to 3pm
at the hotel on the corner of
the Hume Highway and
Camden Valley Way at
Entry is $10 per car including
a show bag and
people can make a gold coin
donation to view the cars.
For more details, visit
