Author Topic: Heater Core  (Read 6180 times)

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  • Speedster
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Heater Core
« on: October 12, 2010, 03:42:16 PM »
HELP   Can anybody help me.
How do you remove the heater core from a 67 Camaro.
I have undone all the obvious screws from inside the car and removed all the duct work and it still won't move, I have taken all the screw's from the cover in the engine bay and can't get that of either. Is there attatching screws behind the fender and if there is does that mean that I have to take the fender off.
I have a friend the demolition game and he has offered a stick of explosive but there must be an easier way.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. :cry:



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Heater Core
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 04:21:41 PM »
Hi John give me a call on 0246251012


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