Author Topic: Brian Linigen's Speedway Museum Open Day 2010  (Read 11155 times)

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Brian Linigen's Speedway Museum Open Day 2010
« on: September 19, 2010, 09:06:13 PM »
I went out to Marsden Park in the morning to Brian Linigen's open day at Marsden Park.

It was a  last minute thing as I had another car show to check out and alsofamily duties with girl guides.

Here are the pics of the day that I took.
I'm really glad I went. Plenty of cool nostalgic stuff to see.

For Luke

Twin powered the rear wheels and the other powered the front wheels.


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Brian Linigen's Speedway Museum Open Day 2010
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2010, 01:43:14 AM »
Thanks for the shots Gas.  I should call in there one day.  I go past there every time I go out to the University and TAFE at Richmond.

What's it's opening hours do you know?


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Brian Linigen's Speedway Museum Open Day 2010
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2010, 08:00:18 AM »
That place looks awesome, would love to see it next time.


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Brian Linigen's Speedway Museum Open Day 2010
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2010, 08:17:46 AM »
It's just a one day a year thing as far as I know.
This is at his house!!

Best backyard I have seen.

Imagine having 2 train carriages in your back yard.

Inside each carriage there was plenty of stuff that he has colleced over the years. Not just car stuff, but stuff that you would find in an antiques store.


Muzzy 66

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Brian Linigen's Speedway Museum Open Day 2010
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2010, 05:58:34 PM »
Greg what a place,He has some coin just in my old favourites with the collection of cans and the tall boy,Some of the signs would have been hard to get .:way:
Growing old is inevitable,Growing up is optional.!!!!!  66 Mustang Coupe.


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Brian Linigen's Speedway Museum Open Day 2010
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2010, 10:12:47 PM »
Plenty of coin in the whole place!!!!

Here is a couple more.


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