Author Topic: Jack Roush Plane Crash  (Read 5521 times)

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Jack Roush Plane Crash
« on: August 24, 2010, 03:40:11 PM »
Hello all.

This may be old news to you, but just incase it isn't.........

July 31 2010
From CNN

Jack Roush crashed his plane at an Oshkosh, Wisconsin, airport Tuesday night, the aircraft “cartwheeled” an undetermined number of times and ended up facing the opposite direction, National Transportation Safety Board spokesman Peter Knudson said Wednesday.
Knudson said upon landing, the Beechcraft Premier jet, registered to Roush Fenway Racing LLC, rolled “hard to the right,” then its right wing dropped “way down” and struck a grass strip, and the plane flipped over at least once. The jet ended up facing north, though it had flown in facing south, Knudson said.



Luckily no one was killed. A passenger, Brenda Strickland of Plymouth, Michigan, also emerged from the plane. Both parties are still in the hospital. Jack Roush is listed in serious but stable condition while Strickland is in good condition. The pair’s injuries are being kept private for the time being.
The plane crash happened just after the Experimental Aircraft Association’s annual air show, AirVenture 2010, ended, around 6:15pm. Jack Roush attends the event annually.
The plane was split in half during the crash. Jack Roush and his passenger are lucky to be alive.

NTSB Identification: CEN10FA443
14 CFR Part 91: General Aviation
Accident occurred Tuesday, July 27, 2010 in Oshkosh, WI
Aircraft: Hawker Beechcraft 390, registration: N6JR
Injuries: 2 Serious.
This is preliminary information, subject to change, and may contain errors. Any errors in this report will be corrected when the final report has been completed.

On July 27, 2010, approximately 1816 central daylight time (all times referenced as central daylight time), a Hawker Beechcraft model 390 (Premier IA) business jet, N6JR, registered to and operated by Roush Fenway Racing, LLC, was substantially damaged when it impacted terrain during landing to runway 18R at Wittman Regional Airport (KOSH), Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Day visual meteorological conditions prevailed at the time of the accident. The business flight was being conducted under the provisions of 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91. The airline transport certificated pilot and his passenger were seriously injured. The cross-country flight had departed Willow Run Airport (KYIP), near Ypsilanti, Michigan, at 1729 with KOSH as the intended destination.

The pilot was flying to KOSH to attend the Experimental Aircraft Association’s Airventure 2010 fly-in convention. Air traffic control (ATC) data indicated that the accident flight entered the Oshkosh area under visual flight rules and was cleared to land on runway 18R (8,002 feet by 150 feet, concrete).

A review of amateur video taken at KOSH showed the accident airplane in a left base turn to final for runway 18R. The airplane appeared to overshoot the runway centerline during this turn and then level its wings momentarily before entering a slight right bank simultaneously as the nose of the airplane pitched up. The airplane then turned left toward the runway centerline and began a descent. During this descent the airplane’s pitch appeared to increase until the airplane entered a right bank and struck the grass area west of the runway in a nose down, right wing low attitude.

The pilot and passenger were assisted out of the aircraft and transported to the hospital for treatment of their serious, but non-life-threatening injuries.

An on-scene investigation was immediately initiated after the accident. The air traffic controllers working the final portion of the accident flight were interviewed and the recorded ATC voice transmissions were secured for further review. The final segments of the accident flight were below available radar coverage, and as such no radar track data was available for review. The wreckage debris path and accident site were surveyed before the airplane was eventually recovered to a secured area where further inspections were performed the following day. No preimpact malfunctions or anomalies were noted during the on-scene inspections of the airframe structure, flight control systems, or two turbo-fan engines. Several non-volatile memory devices were removed from the airplane and were retained for future download. A cockpit voice recorder was recovered and shipped to the NTSB Vehicle Recorder Division in Washington D.C. for readout. The remaining wreckage was released back to the aircraft owner/operator on July 29, 2010.


I'm sure your flying car doctor mechanic may have something to say here :smile:


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Jack Roush Plane Crash
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2010, 05:40:04 PM »
Well...what can i say? he simply stuffed up big time.
In my opinion he came in too fast too high, tried to slow it down by cutting the throttles, lost airspeed too quick, to arrest the sink he raised the nose too high which resulted in an aerodynamic stall due to lack of lift on the wings.
The correct procedure in this scenario which published clearly in the aircrafts operating handbook to apply full power, flaps set to go around, wheels up and climb to circuit height to circle around for another approach.
Damn lucky to walk away from that one!  

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