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Those evil MSD distributors!

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Read Chris's post too quickly. Encouraging to see he recommends them. Eddie

Well, I've got one here for my Pontiac...guess I'll try it and see how it goes. I'll give it a little hit with Lanox....that stuff worked great on my boat, salt air doesn't beat it....might as well try it, eh?

I have had a Pro Billet on my Ponti for 6 or so years.
No dramas other than using a brass dissy gear and having it chewed out within 6 months. Have had polymer one on there ever since with no dramas.

I have a MSD pro dissy for the 57 aswell....  so I hope there are no probs.

Might be just with the newer ones as I have had an MSD on my engine for 11 years & no drama's !

I reused my old msd from my old motor to this one must be at least 8 years old and same no probs


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