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Dirty Deeds or dirty fuel
Hello fellow members and guests!
In between fixing (sorry, improving) Mustangs and Corvettes i have managed to find some time to bring another important issue to your attention.
Very inexpensive but very overlooked little buggers.
I have looked at several members cars and normal customers cars recently and alarmingly even our trusty backyard mechanic types managed to forget about their existence. Some cars simply did not have any or some had one hidden under the body or cleverly disguised as some suspension component hiding over the diff housing where no one ever looks unless you just got run over and got knocked out by one.
With todays fuel quality at some servos it is a very important part of equipment to assure smooth and safe motoring at all times.
Just a couple of handy hints to satisfy even the least mechanically minded in our club.
Do not buy the most expensive and glorified brand thinking it is the best and you will never have to worry about it again.
If you own a carby beast you can not beat the simple Ryco brand transparent plastic type because you can easily see when it start to discoulor and simply spend $10 or under and replace it. If you do not mind getting under your car and as long as you can remember it, place one just after your fuel tank and put another one in your engine bay between the fuel pump and carby in a convenient spot where you can easily see it and replace it when needed. It will guarantee clean supply of free flowing fuel to your engine at all times.
Rmember... clean fuel, clean environment. The down side is...clean fuel, more power creating more tyre smoke.
Sorry...i could not help it :zip:
Cheers, Chris.
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