Yeh Joe real happy with the colour, well whats there at the moment, most of the car is in "Green Valley Racing Grey"

Once she is full colour will decide wether to add a stripe or 2, have a bit of another idea to break it up, mainly because its a big car witha lot of 1 colour.
The little 428 was going to be running 4 twin down draught Webers but have been advised by manufacturer that Webers don't like valve overlap, well i got plenty of that so the Webers are out, but not all bad, i am now looking at putting fuel injection on the little sucker.;if that fails screw it im going with a Paxton supercharger.
Diff is getting dropped of today to chage gearing and change to a lsd, once the suspension is put back on the frame goes back under and back to the panel guy.
I want to get this sucker on the road now :rub: