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Happy now

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--- Quote from: bonnevista link=topic=3347.msg20214#msg20214 ---
--- Quote from: sms777 link=topic=3347.msg20167#msg20167 ---Tell them nothing Dave! Next thing they will try to fix'em themselves.
--- End quote ---

You say it like it's a bad thing.:lol:
--- End quote --- is not a bad thing. Most of times i do encourage my customers to have a go at fixing minor problems themselves that way they do not have to rely on me all the time. As long as they have some understanding things mechanical.
Unfortunatly over the years i have seen so much back yard butcherings that makes me cry in disgust especially if it is done to valuable muscle cars.
Some people simply do not deserve to own them.
But hey.... they keep me in business :lol:

PS: Dave's Mustang was an easy one. Cheap electronic Bosch look alike dizzy causing havoc to timing  plus some fine tuning fixed all his problems. So.... there you have it... no more secrets.  :rol:    

"Pro comp" dissy by any chance??


Would like to add my name to the Happy Customer List to come out of Chris's workshop.

Picked up the Corvette on Friday & thanks to SMS :bow: its running like a new car.

Drove it on Sunday up the mountains & she purred all the way.

Thanks for the loan of your carby while mine was getting rebuilt.:thanks:

Cheers Maureen

Thanks Maureen, i am glad the Corvette purred. I am trying hard to make Mustangs do the same thing but like they say "it's horses for courses".... or whatever
You know what i mean....never mind  :zip:


Smarty pants!


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