Author Topic: When will NSW learn  (Read 5393 times)

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When will NSW learn
« on: May 26, 2010, 10:12:59 PM »
When will NSW start picking players for there position not on there name and need to put them on the team.

Yep got that off my chest :smile:



  • Speedster
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When will NSW learn
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 08:53:51 AM »
Mate I can go on all day with the rubbish they played last night!!

But they defiently need to drop Craegh and put in a solid player like Hindmarsh and also drop Cooper and replace him with anyone that can hold onto the ball!

Also some good ref's might be in order too :zip:


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When will NSW learn
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2010, 05:59:45 PM »
Yep very disappointing.
If Haine's gonna play in that side it has to be at Full Back.
Kimmorley is solid at half but his kicking game was ordinary at best and he wasn't setting up the second phase real well. Saw a few passes go to forwards who'd already attracted 3 defenders and obviously weren't expecting the ball.
Creagh is a devastating runner inside the opposition 20 from one or two off the ruck but they never used him in that capacity.
Lockyer did it to us again. How many times did he kick from half way and find touch 3 metres out? I thought I was watching  replays but they were all different kicks.
A few guys up the pub were bagging out Hain, Creagh & Idris...but who scored the tries?
There has to be a big shake up. The definition of insanity is to change nothing and expect a different outcome. I fear a 3-0 whitewash.
Oh...and I agree the refereeing was #@$%ed


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When will NSW learn
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2010, 07:03:48 PM »
Yep totally agree if we lose this series then five in a row is pretty hard to swallow


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