Author Topic: when laws dont work  (Read 7766 times)

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when laws dont work
« on: March 24, 2010, 08:56:11 PM »
If you can remember when little Sophie was run
over crossing for school the outrage and all  the
rule changes the 40k speed limits the cameras
and more cameras instead of just having an
police officer on duty for a couple of hours.

Now I get to my discussion and answering a
phone call on the road we all do it yeah answer the phone,
I do, it if it rings ,ok now this poor bugger decided that he
needed to pull over and deal with the situation as its the law
 and the result was the persons death by a runaway truck.

Time to change this stupid rule its not working or fit a device
that jams reception of calls and sms mgs whilst driving,,
then someone will sue the department that this action
caused a terminal family situation that could have been avoided.

So let us answer the call for now it doesnt stop us twiddling the radio dial. or puting a cd on or lighting up a fag.Little Sophie is still with us but that poor $@#^^% lost his life today.


  • Speedster
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when laws dont work
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 09:15:19 PM »
wonder if this topic will get deleted LOL

consequence of actions
when growing up we were taught to look left ,then right ,then left again .we were taught to respect that cars were heavy and moved and if we got in there way we would lose ....

funny also ....police and transit officers can and do fine kids under the age of 16 and if the fine is not paid it goes to state debt recovery and these kids cannot get their drivers license without paying them !

on one hand we have to be very careful around school zones because kids are not old enough to know better YET these same kids are treated like adults by state debt !

no issues with slowing down in school zones btw

speed cameras in school zones .........Wollongong outside Tigs there is a speed camera set for school times at 40kph ........strange thing is i have NEVER seen a kid anywhere near that schools entrance .....could it be something to do with Tigs being an exclusive $$$ school

the laws being made in this day and age are truly amazing and it is only going to get worse as time goes on !


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when laws dont work
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 10:13:59 PM »
Guys I feel very sorry for the poor guy that lost his life on the M7 today I use that freeway a lot & I am always amazed that there are not more fatal smashes on it the way you see the semi-truck & B doubles flying along in the fast lane & refusing to pull over or you are driving along & they just pull out so as not to loose speed & nearly run you of the road. What annoys me is the truck they are trying to over take then thinks lets race & they then both stay at the same speed so then you have a mile of cars bunching up. I was on the M7 the other day doing  100  & a B-double went past me like I was standing still.  I have a hands free in my car & it works fine cost about $20 a lot cheaper than the fine. The problems with laws are no one likes being told what to do BUT imagine what it would be like not having any laws at all you would  then have total anarchy.
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  • Speedster
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when laws dont work
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2010, 10:20:15 PM »
anarchy v police state !!!! we are heading towards the latter !


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when laws dont work
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2010, 10:28:44 PM »
Ausmonza mate you & your friends just seem to have a problem with rules lets finish this up before it gets out of hand like before we all know the rules if you do something wrong & get caught cop it sweet.
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  • Speedster
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when laws dont work
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 10:37:48 PM »
Quote from: MuscleVette link=topic=3076.msg17906#msg17906
Ausmonza mate you & your friends just seem to have a problem with rules lets finish this up before it gets out of hand like before we all know the rules if you do something wrong & get caught cop it sweet.

have no problems with rules whatsoever .I also do not judge other people on short statements !
.........we all collectively voted our governments in to power so we actually deserve what we get as far as rules/laws go !
I abide by whatever laws are in place to the best of my ability :)


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when laws dont work
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2010, 10:49:25 PM »
Quote from: ausmonza link=topic=3076.msg17908#msg17908

.........we all collectively voted our governments in to power ......... :)

Speak for yourself. (joking) :lol: :lol: :lol:

On a serious note, I personally never use my mobile on the M7.  Hands free or otherwise.  In fact I turn it off.  (I do the same in heavy traffic anywhere)  Too many trucks travelling way too fast and/or too close on the M7.  If it's an important enough phone call they will call back.

I view my mobile as a tool for MY convenience, not an electronic dog collar.

I feel for that poor chaps family. A very sad day of events.


  • Speedster
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when laws dont work
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2010, 11:37:07 PM »
Quote from: cpu link=topic=3076.msg17911#msg17911
Quote from: ausmonza link=topic=3076.msg17908#msg17908

.........we all collectively voted our governments in to power ......... :)

Speak for yourself. (joking) :lol: :lol: :lol:

I view my mobile as a tool for MY convenience, not an electronic dog collar.

I feel for that poor chaps family. A very sad day of events.

funny No one ever admits to voting them in to power !
as for the mobile YES it is a dog collar and a tracking device !
yep very sad day !


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