Author Topic: (When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.  (Read 8614 times)

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« on: March 24, 2010, 06:14:42 PM »
As my son drives my ex-wife's VP Commodore, I still (pretty much) maintain it.

The ex had some tyres fitted to the front of the old rollerdore the other day and asked the mechanic about getting the front discs machined.  He said they were too worn, so would have to be replaced.  I told her I'd do the job, so I started pricing some new rotors.

Long story short.  I bought a pair of new rotors and pads on ebay today for $81.  The mechanic quoted 'about' $350 for him to do it or $81 for me, guess who she's going with.


  • Rally Licence
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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2010, 08:51:01 PM »
Allright Chris, no wonder they call you the Club Super Hero. :boxing:

Before you try to convince everyone that all mechanics are <b>[Censored]</b>, lets brake down cost of that work carried out by a professional mechanic in a licensed workshop that will carry at least 3 months warranty on workmanship alone.
To replace disc rotors on a VP dunnydore requires replacing the wheelbearings also packed with fresh grease.
2 new quality rotors from ADB- $110
1 pair of wheelbearing kits       $  60
1 set of Bendix CT pads            $  80
To carry out all work above including R&R wheelbearings, correctly adjusting them, test drive vehicle to bed brakes in correctly takes 2 hours at my clubmembers only hourly rate of $50 per hour (all my other customers happily pay $70 p/h).

All that amounts to $350.
( Removed by Admin )

I let the rest of our clubmembers decide on that too.

Cheers, Chris.

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2010, 11:30:55 PM »
There was never a suggestion the mechanic was ripping anyone off.  I bought the parts cheap and I fit them for free. End of story.

I've re-read my first post.  How you think I'm accusing the mechanic of anything is beyond me.  As I said, because my son drives the car, I do the maintainence.  I wasn't pricing myself against the mechanic.  Even if he could do it cheaper, I'd still be doing the work.

The heading of my topic was about if you're there at the right place and time, you can get a good deal on ebay, that's all.


  • Rally Licence
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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2010, 08:53:54 AM »
A comparison like that needs to be clarified and that is what i did.
You want to fit ebay brakes on your car that is your choice.
When it comes to safety i will never bypass quality especially on a family members car
There are a lot of dodgy parts getting flogged on ebay so i would be very careful.

Cheers, Chris.

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2010, 02:38:55 PM »
A clarification??  This was the second line of your thread.  

"Before you try to convince everyone that all mechanics are bastards."

On what basis do you suggest that I'm bypassing quality, just because I bought a name brand cheaply.  I was just at the right place at the right time.

I rarely have to go to a mechanic, as I can do the vast majority of work myself and in this case it's a fairly simple job, on a scale of 1 - 10 in difficulty, this is only about a 2 and I've done this job a number of times before.  A job like this is more attention to detail, rather than an extensive knowledge.  

Of course if there's something I'm not capable of, I'm happy to pay someone qualified to do it, but I don't pay someone out of convenience.  If I'm capable of doing the repair, I do it myself.
BTW, they're RDA parts.


  • Rally Licence
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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2010, 11:15:41 PM »
I guess you were at the right place at the right time (or should i say you were the highest bidder) but do not try to ( Removed by Admin ) our club members by suggesting to buy all your parts on ebay and fit them yourself because not everyone has the same mechanical knowledge like you have.

Ebay has developed a reputation of distributing inferior parts coming from all parts of Asia and striving on unsuspecting customers paying peanuts for so-called quality parts. On top of that there are number of backyard mechanics ready to fit these parts for a reduced price on to your vehicle.
So, you got a bargain, ....good on you.

My warning stands.... beware of ebay quality!

Phone 02 9793 3332
Biggles, The Flying Mechanic


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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2010, 12:19:32 AM »
( Removed by Admin )  Where is this coming from? The heading of my post was:
     (When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.

I think it would be reasonable to draw an inference from that heading people do occasionally have problems when buying from ebay, but when it all goes well you can get a genuine bargain.

I was quite prepared to go to Repco or another local supplier and pay retail for the parts.  I just thought I'd have a look on ebay and see what was there.  

The rotors and pads I bought weren't from a parts supplier, but from a bloke who used to own a VP and had bought the parts from a retails supplier for $150.  He ended up selling the car, so he put the parts on ebay, just to get rid of them.  His opening price was 50% of what he paid - $75.  From memory, there were only 3 bids, I was lucky.

I can't agree with you on the other point however.  I'd certainly encourage car enthusiasts to 'have a crack' at repairing their own car - WITHIN REASON - WITHIN REASON - WITHIN REASON.

By within reason, I don't mean just a shifting spanner, a screw driver and some enthusiasm.  Whilst I don't have a hoist, I do have a good quality jack and chassis stands, as well as a garage with a level concrete floor and good lighting.  I've also accumulated a reasonably good collection of tools, including an old (but functioning) tune up machine and engine crane.  And whilst I have no formal mechanical training what so ever, I have 29 years experience of 'having a go' on mechanically simple cars.  
I can only speak personally, but for me, learning how to repair my own car has been an integral part of being a car enthusiast.  Quite honestly, I really feel a sense of achievment after I've completed something like rebuilding the entire front suspension on the barge, as I did over Xmas 2008.  The only thing I couldn't do was the wheel alignment at the end.

The other thing I've always done, is buy a factory service manual for any car I've had, as for the most part (not always of course), there are reasonably detailed instructions on how to do all these things. For example, when I replaced the heater core on the 'vert about 5 years ago.  I'm sure it would have taken me a lot longer without the book.

Of course, fixing it yourself isn't for everyone and we all know people who are down right dangerous with tools - both to themselves and anyone within 3 metres - or they just aren't interested and that's fine.  But if you are, I don't see a problem in trying WITHIN REASON - WITHIN REASON - WITHIN REASON.  I emphasise this, because I'm told that have a car fall on you can be a hazard to your health. And after all, it's all about fun in the end.      


  • Speedster
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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2010, 01:29:01 AM »
I had a friend many years ago that had a car fall on him .he was found about 12 hours after it happened ,freak accident .not so good
I like Chris have played around cars since i was around 10 and also have had friends in the industry both panel and mechanical since i was 15 ........i try most things myself as in general these old cars ARE simple ....and easy to work on ,and in all honesty i feel that if you are in the hobby of cars you do need to have some mechanical aptitude .that being said if you don't .....find a mechanic you can trust !
a lot of my "training" was done in a mechanical workshop as pit crew for a racing car .i learned fabrication skills as well as some mechanical skills .....and when interest rates were 18% i did my own work because i could not afford to pay someone to do them for me
I also do not have a hoist BUT i have an old set of wheel alignment ramps( 6 metres long) 8 stands ,a decent jack and a tool box full of tools ! plus a mig welder and 3phase air compressor with tools !
as Chris says
WITHIN REASON ............
this week i learned how to fix air conditioning system in my own car .......and i was pleased with myself for "having a go " ..i did it under instruction.........
last week i learned that my Monza is a lot slower at the track than it should be .i was NOT pleased with myself so i am taking the car to someone who DOES know what they are doing !after replacing some parts with better parts !
suppose there are many many types of car enthusiast now days ,it is not just a hobby for people who "like to get their hands dirty "
having a "forum mechanic" is a great thing .specially one who is still enthused about working on something other than a commondore
many people that own these cars also run a business of some sort

$350 for that job IS very reasonable considering insurances/warranties/rent/power/wages etc
do not think for one moment Chris suggested that mechanics in general are ripping people off  

Dealerships are another matter
when my Jeep Cherokee limited needed brake pads Jeep stealership quoted me $175  for the pads PLUS $75 to fit them
Dave Clee (Pontiworld) got me in a set from the USA the cost of $80 (repco etc did not stock them )
I was really pleased with myself on that purchase ! I saved myself $170 on a very simple job !...........


  • Top Fuel Pilot
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(When everything goes fine) you've got to love ebay.
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2010, 05:48:15 PM »
I spoke to the ex today.  She was quoted $450 for the job, not $350.
I should have listened a bit closer - but after all she is my EX wife and it's not like I listened to her when we were married, so what are the chances now??


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