Club News > AMCCA Past Events

Sunday 24th club run to Miniature Model Farm

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No problems with me as  i live over there anyway.
They make a nice whiskey port(so i was told)

Thanks guys I have been buying port from there for ages.they just love seeing american cars they own a  70's  gold thunderbird and will never part with it. see how the day unwinds I need to stock up myself and buy a bottle for someone going overseas as a gift.Its also a great run from there to Harrys de wheels as they close around 5pm ........    cheers

"Free unlimited samples" ???

I wont make it home !!!!!!  lol.....:P

mmmm...Harry' day the Chev will get there !!!!!:P

It was a good turn out considering the weather conditions,If anyone needs anything burning just call Ed with the blue Cobra he had a fire burning all day I don;t think there is any trees standing out there. Will put photos up shortly.
 See Ya Garry. ;)  &:) ;F

Thanks again to everybody for making this enjoyable day we both enjoyed ourselves


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