Author Topic: Study: Want to improve your odds of surviving a crash? Have another sandwich  (Read 5129 times)

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There aren't a lot of positives about being overweight, but a study by the University of Michigan shows that there could be one reason for the chunky among us to celebrate. U of M studied 300,000 traffic fatalities obtained from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration between 1998 and 2008, and it has reportedly found that overweight people had a 22 percent lower fatality rate than underweight people. However, the story changes for the worse if you're a man with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 35 to 50 and you are not wearing a safety belt. The study shows that obese men are 10 percent more likely to die in an accident if they don't buckle up.

There was reportedly no statistical evidence that showed that females were affected by their weight in a crash. Unfortunately, there was evidence that women were 1.1 times as likely to die in a car crash then were men. And everyone is safer when buckled up, as evidenced by the not-so-surprising observation that those who do not fasten their safety belts are 2.1 times more likely to die in a car accident. U of M says that the study does show that the large mass of some men shows that airbags and seat belts may need to be redesigned in the future because their larger size could possibly be overwhelming the safety equipment.

Maybe we won't have that extra pastrami on rye after all. :lol:

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Study: Want to improve your odds of surviving a crash? Have another sandwich
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 10:45:35 AM »
I feel so much better now! anyhow Im off for another one them FAT PIZZA's.
Stay safe I say!.........Burrrrp!
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