Bumblebee... I've taken it upon myself many times over the last 20 + years to organize things for the enthusiasts.. long before I was in a similar line of work and even then while still broke but healthy. This trip down under of US Muscle Car authority Jim Wanger's come Early May in NSW.. will hopefully if we can attract 500 people with a brain and $29 - will come closer to breaking even, if not I eat it ... and happy to do it.
I'm doing it as a risk simply to further the education & intense interest of many who have perhaps only joined the US car scene in the last decade.. as many who have been in the interest for a while may know.. these standout individuals are rare.... time is getting on. . ... , John Delorean, Henry Ford II & a couple in the Corvette ranks have gone over the last 5 years.. and CAN"T be replaced... .. soon like respected & cheered WW1 veterans... there will be no first hand accounts...not ones that are fully in charge of things..... just web sites and books.. that with the education standards being achieved these days .. without pictures may be impossible to convey history.. ...especially automotive heritage which seems to be a bit socialy on the nose with the green movement brain washing people into beleiving if you own a car your a criminal.... But history underlines much of what we like & share.... and much in the end .... of what we enjoy.
If we could find engaging Ford & Chrysler movers and shakers of equal or greater standing to Muscle Car world as Jim Wangers.. I'd encourage you to bring them to Australia for the good of the community we socialise in,
without fear or favor. As most seem more relaxed & interested in historic stuff.. not all .. but most... etc.. just to let you know its not a half baked idea to bring Wangers back.... just trying to help people in ways that others can't.
If people want to attend.. they only need to look later next week on
www.usgmsp.com front page for the highlighted details.
The Time & Legends stand still for no one & no Automotive marque.. while we don't need to live in the past.. there was much to learn & hear from...... the people behind it.. to see and talk and hear them first hand.. is long remembered after a web site page is fast forgotten.
Dave Clee