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Electrified Mustang (blame the carby)

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Another one of my recent workshop experiences....

Mustang turns up recently, owner complains that engine would stall every time he backs off throttle at traffic lights but starts up right away every time and runs fine till he backs off throttle again.

O.K. It is a '65, 289, three speed manual, owner recently fitted a new Bosh electronic dizzy and aftermarket tacho.
Carby is original Autolite two barrel but must be junk so insists to fit brand new 350 Holley to fix problem. No worries. New carby fitted with new fuel pump and new filter, new fuel hoses to fully eliminate further fuel issues. Starts right away but would not idle below 1500 rpm. Check for vacuum leaks, none found, check timing, all ok. Revs clean to over 5000 (not bad for a Ford) but stalls soon as you back off. Same problem.
How long has it been doing it? ..... Since i have fitted the new dizzy and tacho.... owner says.

Ahhahh... Lets look at your wires.
Bosh electronic dizzys have a black and a red wire from the dizzy simply to connect to coil black negative, red positive even a monkey can hook them up. Now you just need the feed wire from the ignition key to to positive side of the coil to make it all broom-broom. Simple as that.
It all looked in order in this puppy...but after some time we discovered the problem.
The owner over enthusiastically disconnected everything without marking which wire went where and by coincidence the car already had a tacho wire running to the negative side of the previous coil so he used that wire connected to the positive side of the terminal and neatly tucked the most important wire away out of sight with black electrical tape. And then he hooked up the aftermarket tacho somehow straight from the ignition switch using the tacho signal wire as feed to the coil.
Does it sound confusing? Like hell it does.... I am still scratching my head wondering how it was running at all.

Bloody backyard mechanics   :zip:      

You lost me after rack and peanut steering and flux capacitor....and always remember to cut the black wire.:huh:

 The problem in a '65 Mustangs engine bay is..... every wire is black.  

So..... which one do you cut?


--- Quote from: sms777 link=topic=2817.msg16015#msg16015 --- The problem in a '65 Mustangs engine bay is..... every wire is black.  

So..... which one do you cut?
--- End quote ---

Thats just a build up of grease and oil that gives them the black look :lol:


--- Quote from: GTA390 link=topic=2817.msg16022#msg16022 ---
--- Quote from: sms777 link=topic=2817.msg16015#msg16015 --- The problem in a '65 Mustangs engine bay is..... every wire is black.  

So..... which one do you cut?
--- End quote ---

Thats just a build up of grease and oil that gives them the black look :lol:
--- End quote ---

glad I sold my old one Chev's rule:smile:


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