Author Topic: no rocking this boat now...  (Read 11019 times)

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no rocking this boat now...
« on: January 04, 2010, 12:12:49 AM »
Seeing as censorship is alive and well and politics and mentioning devious methods of collecting extra rego off of unsuspecting motorists is now outlawed from these open forums

What about a "members only" forum ,where anything reasonable can be discussed without fear of getting deleted ???

and make it a forum where you KNOW if you are entering it ,it will have topics in it that some will find offensive ..........

also gives cpu somewhere to put topics that are not appropriate for the landed gentry that read the open forums and get offended .


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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2010, 12:18:41 AM »
It was discussed but rejected when I first took on the position of forum administration.

The view was:-

"That if its controversial that it can be discussed on any other forum.  This forum is mainly set up to discuss club runs, events, technical, informative and light hearted topics"



  • Rally Licence
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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2010, 12:42:28 AM »
.. :hello:....ah.. the boat could not anchor at Club Med Somalia it seems was Rocking Too Much...... might be  the "Night of the Long Can's" some have been making waves they say........... gotta cast off for Uganda..... somewhere friendlier & more democratic then New Holland. .. sail inland..  
just gotta stop the crew from rocking this damn  boat.. bloody peasants....tell yu!!! .. ..

..was thinking in my dream..:cry:    Where the hell then do your bring up hard line Motoring Topics for others to discuss if not in A National Club Club Web site.. as along as the language is not obscene and people don't get extremely personal... while technically being light hearted informatively.....:drink:


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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2010, 12:50:02 AM »
Quote from: ozpont link=topic=2763.msg15555#msg15555

........was thinking in my dream..:cry:    Where the hell then do your bring up hard line Motoring Topics for others to discuss if not in A National Club Club Web site.. as along as the language is not obscene and people don't get extremely personal... while technically being light hearted informatively.....:drink:


A: "as along as the language is not obscene and people don't get extremely personal"

B: the Forum Board Rules[/u][/url] are adhered to.

C: The club is not bought or potentially bought into disrepute.

This is a club forum not an open forum.


  • Rally Licence
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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2010, 01:15:16 AM »
.. sh*t.. even Sir Francis Chichester (another great seaman before your time) ....would have a hard time navigating around that lot of  points.....   we'll just keep row'n boss... and as long as the children mind their manners.:pat:... the boss will not have to can us kids for speaking out...even a Liberal canning...   Now get out your crayons and write 50 times..(for those that can't write...that OK just pretend your doing graffiti at the railway yard... I must not say anything controversial or topical that might offend or could possibly be seen as something somebody might have an alternate opinion about..  50 times..
...  Nice Straight backs now or WACK.. with that cane.. :bow:


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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2010, 01:18:20 AM »
I'm glad that's all cleared up for you.

Enjoy the site.


  • Top Fuel Pilot
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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2010, 10:03:11 AM »
Regarding members only section that you can talk about anything you like to add sections to our forum cost money & someone has to maintain it. for the few that want it my suggestion is go out & find a sponsor for a $1000 per year & we can set the section up & then you can complain about all the problems you have cops up trees red light cameras the weather someone won a trophy the list just goes on & on. Really guys their are so many problems in the world lets just get back to having FUN with our cars.
    :seeya: Garry :spaghetti::drink:
Past And Present Cars


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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2010, 10:35:02 AM »
Here here!


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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2010, 12:36:57 PM »
This might appeal to some:rol::rol:


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no rocking this boat now...
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2010, 12:46:44 PM » a newbie allowed to put in their 2cents worth??:mad:

I'm with MuscleVette on this one.....
we need to remember that our views on touchie topics could offend others.......

I for one reckon that the NYE fireworks was a waste of money.
Millions were blown up in smoke in a mere many mouths could that have fed?.....ohno......should I have said that?.......i fear many will be yellin :ban:

Happy New Year All  :gotya:


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