I to had a thread deleted because it was deemed inappropriate ...when all it was was a link to a website where a tampon was used to slow down a leak on a 4wd !.thread was titled "how to use a tampon " deleted because NO ONE bothered to check the link !
CPU the rules DO change from time to time
maybe NOT on your watch BUT you are not here 24/7 ..........someone else takes the watch then
Dont push my buttons.
Yes the rules DO change as I change/add to them from time to time
I am the only one that can alter the rules.
I deleted your bloody tampon thread after the thread had been reported by numerous members including the president of your club and I did check the link.
There were pictures of tampons and I dont care what they were being used for. Nobody is posting that sort of crap here.
I'm not a member of your club and am paid to keep the forum in safe order.
I dont care who it is. Rock the boat here and I will can your ass.
Read the rules listed on top of the forum and enjoy the site.
Want to post contriversal content, do it some where else.