Well i know why the trans was slipping the other day now , yes the filter in the trans was clogged............with crap from the converter , seems like my u beut converter from precision industries in the USA has failed , the clutch lining peeled off the locking plate whick cloged the trans filter , which caused the slipping , yes the converter is very strong the billet plate is 4 times thicker than standard which means the curing time for the bonding must be longer aswell , the transmission guru seems to think that the curing time might not have been long enough due to the thickness of the plate, so what now ,the guru has sent the converter to get repaired , the box is cleaned and together , just waiting for the converter , I might be lucky and have it back before christmas , i must have run over another chinaman on the way home from chris sinclairs work shop

I have emailed presicion industries but being so far away i don't think they will really give a rat's @rse , I wonder what excuse they will have.