Author Topic: Waaaaaaaay off topic.  (Read 9243 times)

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  • Top Fuel Pilot
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Waaaaaaaay off topic.
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2009, 11:53:31 PM »

This is the place.  It looks pretty nice to me.

Hmmmm.  Maybe I could go over and visit.


  • Top Fuel Pilot
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  • Posts: 1338
Waaaaaaaay off topic.
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2010, 11:08:25 PM »
If you've looked at this post, you'll know I've talked about my youngster making the NSW under 20's basketball team and playing in the national championship later this month.Well, there's been a further developement.

A couple of weeks ago, he was offered a scholarship to the NSW Institute of Sport.  The head coach of the NSW intitute is also the head coach of the Australian under 19's team.  I mention this for the reason that - today Jordan was called up to join the Australian under 19's squad.  We're all pretty excited.

On the down side, he won't be able to take up the offer with the American high school that was made at the end of 2009.  Having said that, the coach has asked me if Jordan has a passport, as there may be some overseas travel, including a trip to Germany next year for the under 20's world championships.  


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