Club News > AMCCA Past Events

Camaro- Firebird Mysterey run 5/5/07


What a great turn out for the last run till September I think their were over a 100 cars a guy even turned up in a registered C6 corvette it was sent over by GM for him to develop a trip tonic gearbox for the next Corvette coming out & he also has a new Camaro that he is developing for GM. The quality of cars were fantastic there were so many cars I haven't seen before & it was good to catch up with some old friends from the corvette club Suzanne, Warren Stenning & his new Lady & Carl nice chatting with you guys. Now some :5
  See Ya Garry ;) & :)  ;F

there was 120 cars there last night

Another Great night. was great to catch up with every one!!!

Terrific turn out,  so many beautiful cars out there ........


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