Author Topic: Crash Helmets  (Read 6710 times)

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Crash Helmets
« on: November 06, 2009, 01:25:42 PM »
I got this from one of the lads in the HSV club.  He thought it would be of interest to you all.

"Listed below is some very important information in relation to helmets.  As you may recall we had an issue with the Drag Day over the new helmet requirements and now CAMS is following on.  One of the lads has done some home work on this for us and has provided us information which I have placed below.

Dear Members
In September 2008, ANDRA was required to introduce new Standards of helmets which are acceptable at ANDRA-sanctioned drag racing events.
WSID management now only accepts the following helmets:
SNELL SA2000, SA 2005, SFI 31.2A
SNELL M2000, M2005, SFI 41.2A
BS 6658-1985
AS/NZS 1698:2006
AS/NZS 1698.
For 2010, CAMS events may need to comply with new ANDRA helmet rules.
If this becomes reality, then I recommend the following Helmet shop.
I purchased a AS/NZS 1698 Full Face Helmet for only $89.95 - so I could participate in Wicked Wednesday Drags at WSID.
Motorcycle Accessories Supermarket
Location: 321 Parramatta Road, AUBURN NSW 2144
(Next to the fixed speed camera)
Phone: (02) 9648 1400


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