Author Topic: Can't afford to park something cool in your garage? Wrap it up!  (Read 9601 times)

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I've recieved a few emails on this one so I dug it up on the net for you all to see.

"A German firm called Style Your Garage creates posters for garage doors that make it look as if your garage is where the action is. F1 car, F-18 Hornet, exotic dancers -- these are some of the things you can put "in" your garage. If you've got a two-car garage, no worries: you can try out the quarry dump truck or biplane that will span both doors.

Made for the up-and-over garage doors common in Europe, they mount with velcro, can be adapted to fit sectional garage doors, and come in a standard size of 2.10 meters by 2.45 meters. Prices range from €199 to €399 for the double-door motifs, which isn't that much for a giant piece of wall art. The company can also turn a photo of yours into a garage poster, but you'll want to be careful with this; not everything can be blown up to 6.5 feet without looking... creepy. You can have a gander at some of the factory options in the gallery HERE. "


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Can't afford to park something cool in your garage? Wrap it up!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2009, 05:52:59 PM »
I want to know if they can make moving ones?

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