Thankyou Maureen for the data sheets
Parking ArrangementsClick Image For A Larger View

"Areas A, B and C will all come in via gate 7 off Ferrers Rd. There will be as many volunteers as possible handing every vehicle with a window card a Shannons goody bag which will have a medallion and a Preserve Program included. No paying public will enter via this gate so there should be no reason to be stopped if your window card is on display. Please suggest to your members that they read the map inside the Preserve to locate your club if you are unable to get the above information to them in time. No volunteers will be at the exit from the tunnel again this year. We decided to leave you folks to work it out by yourselves and you did very well in 08. Far less hold ups and a smoother flow in off Ferrers Rd which is critical to keeping the Police happy.
May I again reinforce the rules set out on the back of every entry card. Please ensure that your members know about the restrictions. There can be no wheel spinning and the like. Any more of this silly and inconsiderate behaviour will see the track tours deleted from the day which would be a shame for all of you who do the right thing.
Terry Thompson
Secretary CMC Inc"
Track Running Order Times