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Hi is it downloadable as i didnt get my copy.;4

Hi Hemihunter.
   please U2U me with your email address & I will email it to you.
 ;v Garry ;M:cool:

some great reading in that mag
If you want some pics of the rebuild on the Monza i have many many many  pics .............. Lots showing new metal going in where the canadian tinworm had gotten to the car


--- Quote ---Originally posted by ausmonza
some great reading in that mag
If you want some pics of the rebuild on the Monza i have many many many  pics .............. Lots showing new metal going in where the canadian tinworm had gotten to the car  
--- End quote ---

By all means & if you could include a right up that would be great.

Put your forum and true name on the email so we know who you are. ;16

Hi guys and girls.  Just a reminder to have a go at Joe's quiz in the latest addition of the E-mag.  Joe will post the results here. ;16


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