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What should I do, More problems!

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Muzzy 66:
Some times better to run......

Had similar prob years ago after putting an injected turbo motor into a late 70's car for old love..

Everyone was saying just put  a new system in it...more coin

Turned out to be a simple case of requiring a 2 wire oxy sensor with its own earth to get rid of a miss some of the top shops in Sydney at the time couldnt find.

Sit on it for a week gather some good names to try and go from there,generally smaller the better for me.

If it was running Delco Id be able to help you out but I dont think you are..?????

Let me know what it is  running,cant be assed looking at the posts and I may be able to give you a few names.

One thing to try,as again this happend to me,Where the loom plugs in there is usually a locking clip,while buggerising around with the car,I didnt lock in the clip during the build on it,so the loom was taking its own weight without the lock supporting it,this put pressure on the terminals and was playing up sometimes,check that and anyhwre else that you have had previous probs where clip,clamps,sadles have been undone many times.

Nothing worse then throwing good money after bad.

Thanks for the replys guys! cpu has offered to come over for a look (he's a sparky), so I'll go with that first then if we still cant find the problem then I'll start ringing around! Its an AUTRONIC ECU, I'm gunna try and find the wiring diagram to make it easier to locate the dodgy joint!:(

I found one for a 4 potter with 4 coil packs but if you can get the original that come with your unit it will be much better.

Should be a piece of p#ss really.  (famous last words.  lol!!)

I've had to email Autronic because my Mac wont open the documents and then I tried at work on a PC but it also wont let me open it because you have to run a program, which the work PC wont let me do! So hopefully they will get back to me asap. In the mean time I will ring the guy in the workshop who installed it to see if it came with a diagram!

Dear Andy
        The biggest problem with modern day cars, with computer system is not the power supply, but rather a good earth, corvettes being not made steel, have a greater problem.
The only way to troubleshoot your problem you have is to slowly check each circuit one at a time, and don’t fall into the trap of changing expensive parts

Happy to help John


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