Author Topic: What should I do, More problems!  (Read 15683 times)

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What should I do, More problems!
« on: June 16, 2009, 09:43:14 PM »
Sorry its a long thread but I need help....
Guess what?...I got my car back but a week later I went to start it and it wouldnt start!!!! I got one of the guys from the shop (where its been for 9 months putting on the fuel injection) to check it out. He plugged in the computer and I tried starting it. According to the computer there is nothing wrong! EXCEPT... that at the battery it has 12V BUT at the ECU (or where ever the sensors are) its only getting 9V!!!!! SO the car hasnt got enough spark to turn over! I've been told that its probably a loose wire or dry joint somewhere?????
 SO its most likely the fault of the auto electrician that installed the wiring???? Which was a non caring install... no attempt to hide any of the new wires! I called the electrician to explain and try and get him to my place to have a look. He tells me he's busy until next week sometime AND he wants me to somehow get it out of my garage and get it to the garage at Miranda (where its has been for 9months). I'm SO p#ssED off, because again I have to fart arse around at my own expense to fix something that shouldnt need fixing. I have already paid these guys many thousands of dollars more than the job was worth.

1. I could put the car on my trailer (Its a major pain in the arse, because I have to winch it onto my trailer) then somehow lower my trailer with the car on it down to the street which is 30meters. I cant tow it out, I have to push it. Then couple it to my Explorer and take it to the shop then take it off again!!!!
Another problem I face is... the electrician could say that its not his fault and then I would have to fork out more money again for something that shouldnt of happened! Plus now I dont trust him because I know that he has made other mistakes in the past!
2. Tow the car to another electrician I trust, but again I'm gunna pay through the nose to find the problem someone else created.

1969 Corvette ZL-1 540ci 755hp
1972 Chevy Suburban 454ci
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Limo 390ci 325hp


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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2009, 09:54:08 PM »
If he's a descent auto elec he would fix it "under warranty", but by the sounds of it he may not be descent, so he may feed you a load of b/s and charge you again.
If he's allready tried palming you off obviously i'd go expect to be charged, not knowing exactly what he's done it would be a hard call.
But if you weren't happy the first time don't expect a happy smiley service, so i would look somewhere else.
Maybe try someone who will come to you, they have all the gear onboard these day's and he won't want to spend 9 months at your house( unless you live in the Playboy mantion).
Sorry to hear about the p#ss/poor service.


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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2009, 09:55:30 PM »
;18 Andy
 I used this guy when I was at Rockdale selling cars really good & he will come to your house his name is Bill # is 0419977677 just tell him Garry from erin motors gave you his #
  ;v Garry ;M:cool:
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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2009, 10:00:55 PM »

Does anybody know where the ecu measures it's voltage, i.e at the ecu plug or a remote point?  

Do you know the brand an model number of the ecu and do you have the tech wiring specs that came with the ecu.  (I'm going to my engine builder tomorrow and I can check with him on connections and sensing points if you have the brand and model)

If we can find out where the ecu does it's sensing or if you have the tech wiring connection specs I can most likely come over an run my meters over it.


PS What suburb do you reside?


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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2009, 10:05:37 PM »
Sorry to hear your still having troubles mate.  If it were me, I'd ditch the sparky - simple, even though it will cost money.  You don't know what else he has stuffed and the problem may compound.  At the end of the day, you have no confidence in him now so what will change.

My opinion seems to be like the others. Good luck mate.

Muzzy 66

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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2009, 10:12:51 PM »
Some times better to run......

Had similar prob years ago after putting an injected turbo motor into a late 70's car for old love..

Everyone was saying just put  a new system in it...more coin

Turned out to be a simple case of requiring a 2 wire oxy sensor with its own earth to get rid of a miss some of the top shops in Sydney at the time couldnt find.

Sit on it for a week gather some good names to try and go from there,generally smaller the better for me.

If it was running Delco Id be able to help you out but I dont think you are..?????

Let me know what it is  running,cant be assed looking at the posts and I may be able to give you a few names.

One thing to try,as again this happend to me,Where the loom plugs in there is usually a locking clip,while buggerising around with the car,I didnt lock in the clip during the build on it,so the loom was taking its own weight without the lock supporting it,this put pressure on the terminals and was playing up sometimes,check that and anyhwre else that you have had previous probs where clip,clamps,sadles have been undone many times.

Nothing worse then throwing good money after bad.

Growing old is inevitable,Growing up is optional.!!!!!  66 Mustang Coupe.


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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2009, 10:53:31 PM »
Thanks for the replys guys! cpu has offered to come over for a look (he's a sparky), so I'll go with that first then if we still cant find the problem then I'll start ringing around! Its an AUTRONIC ECU, I'm gunna try and find the wiring diagram to make it easier to locate the dodgy joint!:(
1969 Corvette ZL-1 540ci 755hp
1972 Chevy Suburban 454ci
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Limo 390ci 325hp


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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2009, 11:34:44 PM »
I found one for a 4 potter with 4 coil packs but if you can get the original that come with your unit it will be much better.

Should be a piece of p#ss really.  (famous last words.  lol!!)


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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2009, 07:42:09 AM »
I've had to email Autronic because my Mac wont open the documents and then I tried at work on a PC but it also wont let me open it because you have to run a program, which the work PC wont let me do! So hopefully they will get back to me asap. In the mean time I will ring the guy in the workshop who installed it to see if it came with a diagram!
1969 Corvette ZL-1 540ci 755hp
1972 Chevy Suburban 454ci
1959 Cadillac Fleetwood 75 Limo 390ci 325hp


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What should I do, More problems!
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2009, 07:50:36 AM »
Dear Andy
        The biggest problem with modern day cars, with computer system is not the power supply, but rather a good earth, corvettes being not made steel, have a greater problem.
The only way to troubleshoot your problem you have is to slowly check each circuit one at a time, and don’t fall into the trap of changing expensive parts

Happy to help John


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