Club News > AMCCA Members Chat Room

pics on website


How does one get pics of their car on the members profile??

That's easy.

Email them to me with your forum user name and your true name.  Also a brief description of the car.  Make, Model,  Year, colour interior and exterior, auto/manual, etc.

To email me simply CLICK HERE

Forum Admin ;16


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Williams
How does one get pics of their car on the members profile??
--- End quote ---

Hi Williams,

You may as well get CPU to help with an avatar too!


--- Quote ---Originally posted by Bumblebee

--- Quote ---Originally posted by Williams
How does one get pics of their car on the members profile??
--- End quote ---

Hi Williams,

You may as well get CPU to help with an avatar too!

--- End quote ---

Hi Williams
You mite as well send me a carton of beer......cause I mite run out.Cheers Hev;15


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