Author Topic: Pictures OF The Day  (Read 143453 times)

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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #90 on: July 18, 2009, 08:12:48 PM »
Originally posted by MR 225

Mate, if there is a spare ticket to spectate, that would be great. I'd be happy to help anyone out if they need it too...

After given me your spot....... absolutely.  Consider one of them yours. ;16


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #91 on: July 21, 2009, 06:29:06 PM »
Any chance of a list of final entrants being posted?

Want to see who I'm going to get blitzed by. ;16


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #92 on: July 21, 2009, 07:45:36 PM »
Hi guys can you get in two just watch all the action.
;v Garry ;M:cool:
Past And Present Cars


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #93 on: July 21, 2009, 08:04:27 PM »
Originally posted by cpu
Any chance of a list of final entrants being posted?

Want to see who I'm going to get blitzed by. ;16

Here ya go cpu , lots of fords there to smack ya bum

Hev67 Stang
Hev mate XU1
Blocker XTGT
Alan- 69 muzzy
Noukid XW
Xarob XA
Greg XW
andreas xbgs
adam xbgt
nick xa gt
john eb sprint
nick xe esp
allen xw gt
george gt gts
gerry ss torana hatch
jim slr 5000
Roy XW
Con XW
Con's mate- ZC Fairlane
Joe XY
Paul- VW Beetle
Chris- 68 Muzzy
stuart - blown ht
greg - blown hq
darren - mustang stroker
dave - vn ss nos
phil - vn stroker
fos408 XR Farimont
Howard- 66 Muzzy
Jason- HZ Ute
Zarby XT
Luke LX
Steve- Corvette
Jim- A9X Hatch
Jim's mate- Old school muscle
Kyros- CL Charger
Mick- XTGT Replica
John- VPSS
CPU- C3 Corvette
Cavoa- Charger
Cavoa- Charger
Cavoa- AC Cobra Replica
Goffy- Pontiac big block

Toko- AU XR8 ute
Bill K - VU SS ute
Bill K- XR6 turbo
Swanee- BA XR ute
John- BFGT
Kirtis-VYSS ute
Perry- BAXR sedan
Steve- VZ SS ute
Con- VZ ss s/c ute
Richie- RX3 turbo
Jacko- RX3 pp
Michael- Soarer blown
Chris XR6 turbo
The track day is here.Sunday the 16th Of August.

Originally posted by MuscleVette
Hi guys can you get in two just watch all the action.
;v Garry ;M:cool:

Garry you need a ticket from a competitor, mine are all gone maybe cpu has a spare, each entrant gets 5 tickets
cheers chris


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #94 on: July 21, 2009, 08:07:42 PM »
I think I'll take some body guards.  LOL!!

Yep, I got a spare ticket.

Chris are we picking the tickets up on the day at the gates?


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #95 on: July 21, 2009, 08:13:28 PM »
Originally posted by cpu
I think I'll take some body guards.  LOL!!

Yep, I got a spare ticket.

Chris are we picking the tickets up on the day at the gates?

Yep , thats what we did last time , if there are any changes to ticket allocation i will let you , will let you know what time to meet when we get closer , maybe we can meet somewhere near the track and cruise in together , that way i can hold your hand you big girl ;x


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #96 on: July 21, 2009, 08:19:33 PM »
You better pray that your beasty is up to speed, ..................because I'm running the other way.  LOL!!


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #97 on: July 21, 2009, 09:12:06 PM »
Ill will most likely have a few spare tickets.
Ill say at least 3 spares.
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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #98 on: July 27, 2009, 09:16:24 AM »
heven 67 i will take two of your spare tickets if you still have them please


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Pictures OF The Day
« Reply #99 on: July 28, 2009, 09:14:39 PM »
important news regarding helmets for drag day below is a copy of email from wsid
Hi Rob,

Following our earlier conversation, I wish to provide you and your members some information to better explain the situation regarding the helmet Standards required for competition under an ANDRA-sanctioned event.

In September, 2008 ANDRA was required to introduce new Standards of helmets which are acceptable at ANDRA-sanctioned drag racing events.
As an ANDRA-sanctioned venue, WSID is required to adhere to these and all other ANDRA rules and regulations.
For a while we (WSID) adopted a temporary policy that was to be explained by our scrutineers, one-on-one, to off-street racers. This was to allow a transition period that would enable entrants to upgrade their helmets, rather than refuse them point-blank and turn them away.
The temporary policy was that (to paraphrase). provided the helmet was in perfect condition it would be accepted "for this event only, but would not be accepted next time."
The time for that transition period has now well passed.

The 2008-2009 ANDRA Rule Book reads as follows: Section 4: General Regulations; Subsection: 4.10.8 Helmets. In referring to the helmet requirements of competitors, the rule reads: "...all other vehicles slower than 10.99 seconds (quarter-mile) / 7.00 seconds (eighth-mile) who are permitted to use any helmet meeting one of the following standards:

SNELL SA2000, SA 2005, SFI 31.2A
SNELL M2000, M2005, SFI 41.2A
BS 6658-1985
AS/NZS 1698:2006
AS/NZS 1698.

Rob, it doesn't say anything more; it doesn't say anything less. The rule is simply as it reads. A full or open-face helmet bearing any of these current Standards is required. Unfortunately, I have no room to move, left or right, with this rule. I am sorry to to be the messenger of such news, but wish to assure you that there has been no penalty, financial or otherwise, incurred through the cancellation of your club's booking for August 16.

I would certainly look forward to speaking with you again, at any time in the future, should your members be keen enough to purchase the necessary helmets that would enable them to participate in one of our private track hires.

John Henman
Operations Manager
Western Sydney Dragway


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