....its the 3.7ltr 6cyl... .. I drive these when possible in the US.. mostly drive Chryslers in the US to be honest .. PT Cruisers or 300's.. a few experiences with the Caliber.. and sorta like them.. but not enough to buy one.. tend to lend themselves to alot of uses but.. and practical as hell... see them as Taxi's which is good for sales too an extent.... which they tend to be in places like San Fransico & other upmarket cities.
The Challenger is one I'd like.. but like the Camaro .. its unlikely to come out RHD especially now Chrysler Australia feeling the pinch like most other companies. There are several Challengers now entering the country for private conversion in Qld and Melbourne too..
This Silver 300c is the fully loaded 3.7ltr auto.. LOVELY car.. .. I've no need for a V8 in this series..... not as an everyday driver.. just consider myself lucky to have this now... and your the first person I told.. so there you go.. your made another friend Nitroman ;14
Pictured here is one photograhed for furture historical saving .. of a new RT in an Los Angles dealership last August.