Author Topic: GO GARRY GO ......  (Read 129945 times)

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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #110 on: February 15, 2009, 09:26:55 PM »
Working on it but I think that particular file is corrupted.  GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!


  • Top Fuel Pilot
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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #111 on: February 15, 2009, 09:39:58 PM »
sorry about that Kerry it was him or me and he had the wetas a basterd


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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #112 on: February 15, 2009, 10:05:39 PM »
Congratulations to all who attended on such a miserable evening. Please accept our apologies for not attending, fatigue after a super long week got the better of me, in bed by 8pm.

AMCCA is certainly a marvellous club as shown by the organization and generosity of it's members. As a committee member I'd like to thank each and everyone for your generosity with donations for door prizes and raffles

A big thankyou to all other car clubs that attended and your genourous donations.

Gary, you are the best and have my vote forever.


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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #113 on: February 16, 2009, 10:06:43 AM »
looks like a great night!!

;K i missed it


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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #114 on: February 16, 2009, 11:08:43 AM »
First lot of photos of the night, By Richard Griffiths your adopted photographer, are now up on your website CLICK ME


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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #115 on: February 16, 2009, 03:11:23 PM »
;12  YOU LOOK A BIT LIKE ELVIS  ;x ;x ;x


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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #116 on: February 16, 2009, 05:49:57 PM »
Well guys, Gwen and I are new here and really need to make this post.

Gwen and I have a 2006 PT Cruiser 2.4L Touring GT - Electric Blue.  A PT Cuiser!!!!;G Wha did say Willis!!!!  Where's the 'American Muscle Car'???? - Well, I'm a Yank, got muscle, have a American Chrysler car (though it's made in Mexico) and am a naturalized Australian - how's that for American Muscle Car Club - Australia!  Sounds good anyway!  Maybe  we need to become members as 'American Mini-Muscle' LOL.

We want to really thank you all for having us at the Victorian Bush Fire Fundraiser on Saturday.  What a fantastic event - and Garry - well what can you say;y  What a job this young fella did, and in only four days - and Maureen and then the committee - congratulations to each and everyone of you;u

We left Wagga Wagga at 10:30 am and got back into Wagga Wagga at 3:30am Sunday morning - rain, rain, rain - never mind!

It was really good catching up with other PT Club members, Oz Show Car members and meeting new people from other Clubs.  It was a real credit to all those who travelled in the rain to attend this fund raiser - and know they were not disappointed.;F

Again, congratulations on a fantastic night and the amount raised was astonishing.  Look foward to catching up later on.

Hear you are going to Narrandera, June long weekend.  Stop in on you way through for a cuppa - if allowed might go with ya.

Take Care
Don (lonedog) & Gwen (Medicine Woman)
Wagga Wagga, N.S.W.


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GO GARRY GO ......
« Reply #117 on: March 03, 2009, 10:54:21 PM »
Final lot of pictures of the night are now uploaded onto the website here Click Me


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