Hi every one here are some dates we have put together as a starting point so we can get the ball rolling with accommodation and transport.
If you wish to stay longer it's not a problem.
Beach hop 2009
Thur 26/3/09 – Sun 29/3/09
Fly to Auckland AM Wed 25/3/09
Hire Bus Wed 25/3/09 – Mon 30/3/09
two hour drive to Whangamata from airport
Accommodation Whangamata --Wed 25/3/09 to Mon 30/3/09 at 11am
Accommodation Auckland on Mon 30/3/09 – over night
Fly Home AM Tue 31/3/09
Keith aka MOPARMAN has booked a holladay house that sleeps 11 people so far here are some pics

The house is three hundred meters walk to the mane event and one hundred meters from the beach how cool is that.